MOTCO Wetlands Channel Plug
A 10ft tall, 40ft long Double Closed End AquaDam was installed in a low-flow channel that ran through some tidal wetlands. While a typical installation would have installed the dam from bank to bank, the channel was narrow enough that we were able to use the width of the AquaDam to seal against the bottom and sides of the channel, instead of using the AquaDams length. This job was at Port Chicago, in the MOTCO Wetlands. All AquaDams, equipment, and people were helicoptered to the job site, in order to minimize disturbance to the environment. AquaDam was installed in 4 hours, from first flying in to flying out. ...
Bypass Pipes beneath AquaDams, Seattle WA 2010
An 8ft tall Primary AquaDam with a 5ft tall Support AquaDam behind it, were installed over (4) 18" diameter, 700ft long Flume Pipes. These pipes started upstream of the work area, went beneath the AquaDams, through the work area, and discharged downstream, where the ground elevation would not allow water to come back into the work area. After the work area was isolated, the road embankment repair could take place. ...