1.) The AquaDams used for a turbidity curtain at the job for Healdsburg Memorial Bridge have arrived with a pickup truck and flatbed trailer (Hotshot).
2.) Here we can see the upstream end of the work area where 6ft tall single closed end (SCE) AquaDam will be deployed from.
3.) Looking downstream from where the AquaDams will be deployed.
4.) AquaDams are shipped rolled-up like a carpet roll, wrapped in a protective covering, and have lifting ropes/straps.
5.) A piece of timber used as the core of the AquaDam roll helps with transportation, maneuvering, and potential removal of the unit too.
6.) A rubber tire forklift is placing the 6ft tall SCE AquaDam in the water. An empty AquaDam is less dense than water and in deep enough water it can be floated over to the area needed.
7.) The outer protective wrapping has been removed and the AquaDam will be floated to the starting bank.
8.) The 6ft tall SCE AquaDam placed at the starting bank, its starting point (open end) and fill-tubes will be secured just above the concrete wall to keep them in place.
9.) The open end and fill-tubes are being pulled up the concrete wall. The open end needs to be elevated higher than the top of the full AquaDam where it will be laid. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its laid path.
10.) A 3ft tall by 45ft long SCE AquaDam was used as a temporary turbidity curtain on the downstream end, while the main two AquaDams were installed.
11.) The 45ft long SCE AquaDam has been deployed from its starting bank.
12.) A worker holds the roll end of the 3ft tall AquaDam, while the unrolled length builds head so the unit will maintain its position.
13.) Workers hold the rolled end, allow the unrolled length to build head above the surrounding water, unroll a few feet, hold the roll end again, and repeat.
14.) The 3ft tall SCE AquaDam placed downstream has been installed and its connection collar was laid up over its closed end.
15.) The 6ft tall SCE AquaDam can now be filled with water.
16.) As the 6ft tall SCE AquaDam is filled with water, workers hold the roll end with ropes and their hands to allow the unit to build head as it unrolls towards the desired path.
17.) Workers shift and position the roll end to make the needed turn. Reducing the pumping power to the fill-tube on the inside of the turn, while making the turn, helps facilitate the turn. Ropes tied to the outer sleeve of the AquaDam and back to unmovable objects (anchors) help with making turns as well.
18.) Now that the turn has been made, the pumps should be turned back up to equalize the pumping power to both sides.
19.) The 6ft tall SCE AquaDam continues to be filled with water, as workers monitor the roll end and the head that the unrolled length has.
20.) Pumps will discharge air along with water sometimes into an AquaDam. The air can easily be walked out, starting at the closed end, and walking the air bubble out towards the fill-tubes.
21.)An empty AquaDam is less dense than water and it can be floated over to the area needed. AquaDams are shipped rolled-up like a carpet roll, wrapped in a protective covering, and have lifting ropes/straps. A 3ft tall 7ft wide by 150ft long SCE AquaDam will be added to closed end of the 6ft tall AquaDam.
22.)The 6ft tall SCE AquaDam has completely unrolled and the unrolled length has a few inches of head above the river. Notice the connection collar at the closed end of the 6ft tall AquaDam. This connection collar has been modified to reduce from a 6ft tall dam to a 3ft tall dam.
23.)Several feet of length from the 3ft tall by 150ft long SCE AquaDam, that will be connected to the 6ft tall AquaDam, have been unrolled. Enough length needs to be unrolled so that the fill-tubes can be prepared for the connection with the 6ft tall AquaDams collar.
24.) Workers prepare the fill-tubes by placing discharge hose inside of them and then securing the fill-tube material around the hoses. The discharge hose needs to far enough into the fill-tubes that the water will make it to the toe of the starting bank, which is at the bottom of the closed end of the 6ft tall AquaDam inside the connection collar.
25.) A worker cuts holes into the connection collar of the 6ft tall AquaDam for the fill-tubes of the 3ft tall AquaDam to be pulled through. The worker must pay close attention to how the cuts are made, so that cutting is only done to the collar layers only.
26.) Workers have tied ropes to the previously prepared fill-tubes and the open end of the 3ft tall AquaDam to assist with making the connection. The ropes are threaded though the holes previously cut, which will aid the positioning of the 3ft tall dam at the connection collar.
27.) A worker feeds the fill-tubes up through the holes while another worker pulls them. They are careful not to twist the discharge hose, because any kinks will impede the discharge. The fill- tubes need to be pulled thought he holes and up on top of the AquaDam it is being connected too.
28.) One worker pulls the rope attached to the open end of the 3ft tall AquaDam, while another worker (inside the collar) assures the open end is laid out up on the closed end of the 6ft tall AquaDam. The worker with the rope will tie it back to the top seam of the 6ft tall AquaDam.
29.) The connection has been made and now the 3ft tall by 150ft long SCE AquaDam is filling. Notice how far the fill-tubes of the smaller dam have been pulled up on top of the larger dam.
30.) The 3ft tall AquaDam continues to fill.
31.) The 3ft tall AquaDam was turned back to shore right before the previously installed 3ft tall by 45ft long AquaDam.
32.) Now that the 150ft long 3ft tall AquaDam has reached the ending bank it will need to finish filling. The previously installed 45ft long AquaDam can now be removed.
33.) After the 150ft long 3ft tall SCE AquaDam had reached its full height, the fill-tubes were wrapped up and secured to prevent any water from exiting.
6ft Tall 13ft Wide (full) 190ft Long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam with a Downsized Connection Collar for a 3ft Tall 7ft Wide 150ft Long SCE AquaDam, Shoreline Isolation, Horseshoe/”U” Shape Configuration, Turbidity Curtain, Westside of Healdsburg Memorial Bridge Repair, Russian River