1.) A small creek in Venture County California needed some work done that involved a cofferdam. In this photo we are looking upstream of where a 4ft tall single closed end (SCE) AquaDam will be installed as a cofferdam.

2.) Looking just downstream of where the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam will be installed. Workers have already set up the network of piping to divert the creek water and done some rock picking as well. Rock picking is important to help with the seal the AquaDam makes with the riverbed.

3.) The intended path of where the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam will go. The closed end will go between the green hose and black corrugated pipe, which is where the ending bank will be.

4.) The 4ft tall SCE AquaDam has been unrolled to its ending bank and now needs to finish filling with water. The dam is laying over the corrugated pipe and under the green hose.

5.) Here we can see the starting bank for the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam. A starting bank is needed for a SCE AquaDam to keep the starting point (open end) and fill-tubes elevated above the body of the dam. The open end and fill-tubes of a SCE AquaDam must be elevated higher than the full height of dam along its given path.

6.) The 4ftt tall SCE AquaDam continues to fill. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its given path.

7.) When damming off flowing water it is important to be able to divert as much of the flow as possible, otherwise the upstream water may pool up, quickly.

8.) The 4ft tall SCE AquaDam is almost full and is doing a great job at keeping a pool for the diversion system.

9.) Great job AquaDam!

4ft Tall Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam, Creek Diversion