The sign at the weir that is to be removed for this project.
Workers keeping head on the dam by holding the rolled end, until the top of the AquaDam is a few inches above the surrounding water. Allowing head to build will assist the workers as they maneuver the AquaDam into the desired location.
Workers control the roll end of the AquaDam by letting a few feet of the length unroll out and then waiting so that the new length of AquaDam can gain head above the surrounding water.
The 6ft tall AquaDam will pivot to the right of the five eco blocks on the left of the picture, so it can make an “L” like shape configuration diverting the streams water towards the right of the worker in orange directly into the diversion channel.
The 6ft tall AquaDam has been unrolled to the desired location and the unit is now being filled with water.
Looking upstream while standing on the 6ft tall AquaDam and you can see how much water has been diverted.
Looking downstream at the diversion, while standing on the 6ft tall AquaDam. Just a little bit of the flow has made it between the eco blocks and the 6ft tall AquaDam. Most of the water is going into the diversion channel.
Workers placing the second 3ft tall AquaDam downstream of the 6ft tall AquaDam along the diversion channel. This one was placed near the edge of a lower elevation bank to help prevent the diversion stream from running over, essentially building up the bank.
The 3ft tall AquaDam used to build up the bank is filling. Notice the huge rock out in the middle of the diversion channel, this rock was too large for the equipment to remove.
Here we can see the weir that will be removed, it has become a fish barrier and must be removed.
You can see by this picture the 6ft tall AquaDam has reached its full height.
Workers reposition the eco blocks position so that another 3ft AquaDam may be placed between the blocks and the 6ft tall AquaDam.
A third 3ft AquaDam is being installed. It is using the 6ft tall AquaDam as a starting bank or primary support structure.
Looking upstream as workers continue to fill the third 3ft tall AquaDam.
The third 3ft tall AquaDam is now fully installed. Rubber sheets were placed over some of the eco blocks to provide a layer/barrier between the blocks and the AquaDam.
A fourth 3ft tall AquaDam was placed at the closed end of the 6ft tall AquaDam to help keep the work area dewatered.
Workers maintaining head on the dam and removing any large rocks along the path where the dam is going to rest.
Aerial photo (looking upstream) of AquaDam cofferdam system installed and working.
Aerial photo (looking downstream) showing the second 3ft tall AquaDam that was used to raise the bank of the diversion channel.
Another aerial photo looking downstream, showing the stream dewatered and the diversion channel working.
Looking upstream at the weir that is to be removed for this project.
Zoomed in photo of the weir dry, showing workers removing fish in a pocket of water downstream of the diversion.
One week after the AquaDam cofferdam system was installed, the weir is now nearly completely removed.
Another photo (looking upstream) of the work area where the weir used to be.
The weir consisted of a lot of concrete and large rocks that had to be removed.
The AquaDam cofferdam system did a great job diverting the stream, so that the worker could fix the stream for the fish.
6ft tall 13ft wide (when filled) 260ft long single closed end (SCE) AquaDam, Four 3ft tall backup AquaDams, “L” shaped configuration, North Fork Feather River Cooperative Angling Improvement Project, Caribou Stream, Stream Diversion, Gansner Bar Fish Barrier, Weir Removal, PG&E Project