1.) An AquaDam was needed for a project where bridge work was being done. In this photo we are looking upstream with the starting bank for the single closed end (SCE) AquaDam on the right. The workers decided to use K-rails and fill as the starting bank for this project. Material was laid over the concrete surfaces to prevent abrasive rubbing on the AquaDam.
2.) Looking downstream, standing on the starting bank, looking towards where the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam will be installed. The starting bank needs to be elevated to keep the starting point (open end) and filled tubes higher than the body of the installed SCE AquaDam. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its given path.
3.) The 4ft tall 9ft wide (full) 250ft long SCE AquaDam has been unrolled its entire length and is being filled with water. A smaller dam was installed first, just upstream of this larger AquaDam, to help divert stronger currents during installation.
4.) The smaller dam was a 30-inch (2.5ft) tall 5ft wide SCE AquaDam and is sometimes referred to as a starter dam. This dam was installed first to help divert the flow away from the larger AquaDam.
5.) A photo from the above, here we can see the starter dam doing a great job. Both SCE AquaDams have been fully installed and filled. Both SCE AquaDam have had their open end and fill-tubes tied up to prevent them from moving.
6.) A photo looking upstream at the closed end of the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam.
7.) Great job AquaDam!
4ft Tall 9ft Wide (full) 250ft Long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam, 30-inch (2.5ft) Tall 5ft Wide SCE AquaDam – Starter Dam, Trinity River, River Diversion, Bridge Construction