A concrete check dam needed to be constructed midstream to force water into an existing intake structure. The water flow had to be diverted before the concrete could be poured. In the past, a check dam was constructed by machinery out of gravel, but this is no longer environmentally acceptable.

A 4' x 50' AquaDam was used to divert the water flow into the diversion channel. Not all of the water had to be diverted, so a small amount was allowed to flow through this pipe.

The diversion channel was about 2' deep and was running swiftly.


The channel was lined with plastic to prevent erosion, and sandbags were used to hold it in place.

Notice how far the open end of the AquaDam was up the bank. This was to ensure that it could be easily filled to capacity.



The channel was lined with plastic to prevent erosion, and sandbags were used to hold it in place.

Notice how far the open end of the AquaDam was up the bank. This was to ensure that it could be easily filled to capacity.


This is the completed water intake structure that was the purpose of the project.