1.) The first 6ft tall single closed end (SCE) AquaDam has been launched from its starting bank and is being filled with water. The starting bank for a SCE AquaDam needs to keep the starting point (open end) and fill-tubes elevated. The open end needs to be elevated higher than the top of the full AquaDam where it will be laid. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its laid path.

2.) The second 6ft tall SCE AquaDam has been launched from its starting bank. There appears to be only one discharge hose going into one of the fill-tubes.

3.) The second 6ft tall SCE AquaDam continues to fill and it has made it across the main waterway. The discharge hose was likely alternated between the two fill-tubes to keep the head in both tubes equal.

4.) The first 6ft tall SCE AquaDam has almost completely unrolled and continues to fill.

5.) Back upstream at the second 6ft tall SCE AquaDam, the red discharge hose is now in the left fill-tube.

6.) The downstream first AquaDam is now full, workers have tied closed the fill-tubes to keep the water inside.

7.) The second 6ft tall AquaDam continues to fill, the work area has been isolated.
Two 6ft Tall Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDams, Stream Diversion, Staggered Configuration, Culvert