The 16ft tall AquaDam has been launched off of the starting bank available at the job site and has begun filling.
An AquaDam will build head and unroll itself while being filled.
One month after installation, the AquaDam is ready to be removed.
After dewatering the AquaDam enough to allow the unit to float. Jet skies were used to pull the AquaDam across Lake Hennessy. Jet skies work great because they have impellers which will not damage an AquaDam.
One month after installation, the AquaDam is ready to be removed.
After dewatering the AquaDam enough to allow the unit to float. Jet skies were used to pull the AquaDam across Lake Hennessy. Jet skies work great because they have impellers which will not damage an AquaDam.
One (1) jet sky was able to pull the 16ft tall 217ft long single closed end AquaDam across the open water.
This was the chosen location to remove the AquaDam. The AquaDam can be seen in the background. The bush in the picture needed to be covered with scrap material while the AquaDam was pulled over the top of it.
The AquaDam is being pulled up onto the parking lot so that it can be re-rolled with a new wooden core.
The AquaDam is being laid out so that a log can be attached to the closed end for re-rolling.
Ropes have been wrapped around the wooden pole, so that when the equipment lifts the rope, the AquaDam is rolled up.
After the AquaDam was rolled back up, cinch ropes were used to secure the unit for transportation.
16ft tall 217ft long single closed end AquaDam, Lake Hennessy, Shoreline Isolation, Road Embankment Repair, Installation, Removal