Wooden braces were placed to counter the extreme slope present on this side of the house.

Making turns with an AquaDam is easy, but they must be made before water is added.

Here, a worker is massaging the water past this turn in the AquaDam. This is necessary due to the "extra" material present on the inside of the turn.

The homeowner inspects his AquaDam.

The AquaDam continues to fill.

The end of the AquaDam is much higher than the rest of it, so water levels are still low here. As more water is pumped in, the AquaDam will be inflated along its entire length.

A view from inside the protected area. River is rising quickly!

Here is the closed end of the AquaDam, with an unused Connection Collar in the foreground.

The AquaDam is now fully filled.

The AquaDam has significantly lowered the danger threshold against this river. A 4' high AquaDam can hold back up to 34" of water!