30" high by 200' long AquaDam is being filled around this home in Cooperstown.

metal walkway has been placed over the AquaDam to allow foot traffic over the AquaDam. An AquaDam is tough enough to permit foot traffic on its surface, but this walkway is a bit more solid than the AquaDam.

The installation crew/homeowners!

The AquaDam starts here, continues behind the man in black, around the house, then comes full circle into the foreground. The two ends of the AquaDam are connected by our patented Connection Collar, forming a single, circular wall to protect this home against flood waters.

Once the AquaDam is laid out and begins to be filled, there really isn't much for the homeowners to do but sit back and watch their flood protection take form, right before their eyes!

Elevating the fill-tubes is important to avoid unexpected siphoning.