1.) The water of Pilchuck River needed to be diverted so that some bank restoration could be done. Four 8ft tall single closed end (SCE) AquaDams were used here for the diversion of the river’s water. AquaDams are shipped rolled-up like a carpet roll, wrapped in a protective covering, and have lifting ropes/straps.

2.) Workers carrying one of the 300ft long sections of an 18-inch tall AquaDam. AquaDams is made of light weight flexible materials and will float in deep enough water.

3.) Here we can see where the SCE 18-inch tall AquaDams were started from. The starting point (open end) of the 18-inch tall SCE AquaDam is elevated well above the needed height. These shorter AquaDams were used at the toe of the bank, which had plastic laid over it to help prevent erosion.

4.) Standing downstream in the diversion looking upstream. The 18-inch tall AquaDams were used to prevent the plastic laid over the bank from moving.

5.) The first 8ft tall SCE AquaDam has been launched from its starting bank and is being filled with the river’s water.

6.) The first 8ft tall SCE AquaDam has completely unrolled to the closed end. Now the unit will need to finish filling.

7.) Looking downstream at the first 8ft tall SCE AquaDam, barely any of the river has been diverted.

8.) The diversion bank made a great starting bank for the first 8ft tall SCE AquaDam. The open end needs to be elevated higher than the top of the full AquaDam where it will be laid. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its laid path.

9.) A 4ft tall 9ft wide 124ft long SCE AquaDam was launched off the side of the first 8ft tall dam. This 4ft tall AquaDam was installed to help manage the current of the river for the installation of the remaining 8ft tall AquaDams.

10.) Ropes were tied to loops sewn to the seam of the outer sleeve of the 4ft tall AquaDam to help keep the unit in position and allow it to build head above the river water as it unrolls. The rope on the roll was tied to both the top and bottom seams to control the roll. A slip knot tied to the top allows workers to monitor head in the unrolled length and unroll additional length as needed.

11.) Every 30ft of so a worker tied a rope from a tree/stump to a loop sewn to the top seam of the AquaDam, to help keep the unit in place while it is filled with water.

12.) Workers hold the roll end of the 4ft tall SCE AquaDam as the unit builds head. After enough head has been built, workers release a few feet of length and allow the unrolled portion to build head again.

13.) After the 4ft tall AquaDam was installed a good portion of the river is now running down the diversion channel. Notice that the water depth has risen.

14.) The second 8ft tall SCE AquaDam is being prepared to be connected to the first 8ft tall AquaDam.

15.) Workers have made the connection with the first two 8ft tall AquaDams and now the second one is being filled with water. Ropes were tied from the second 8ft tall to AquaDam the 4ft tall dam to help keep the 8ft tall unit in place while it was being filled.

16.) The second 8ft tall SCE AquaDam needed to run over top of the closed end of the 4ft tall AquaDam to stay out of the limits of the work area.

17.) After installing the second 8ft tall AquaDam the downstream end of the diversion channel backed up with water depth and washed out some of the 18-inch tall AquaDams.

18.) The third 8ft tall SCE AquaDam has been launched and is ready to be filled with water. Notice that the fill-tubes of the third dam have been pulled through holes in the connection collar of the second dam. Workers hold the ends of the connection collar to keep it straight as the unit is filled with water and unrolls.

19.) A turn was made at the last 50ft of the third 8ft tall AquaDam, towards the ending bank. Notice the ropes tied back to the excavator and the folds in the material, these help with positioning and keeping the unit in place as it fills.

20.) Looking downstream again at the water depth in the diversion channel. These 18-inch tall AquaDams are doing a great job.

21.) Workers prepare the fourth 8ft tall SCE AquaDam to be connected through the connection collar of the third 8ft tall AquaDam.
22.) Workers and rope hold the roll end of the fourth 8ft tall AquaDam while the unit builds head above the surrounding water.
23.) The fourth 8ft tall SCE AquaDam has reached the ending bank and now just needs to finish filling. Notice the water depth differences on the left and right sides of the dam.
24.) The work area has been isolated and workers scramble to recover any fish that may have been left behind.
Four 8ft Tall 17ft Wide (full) Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDams, Flow Diverting 4ft Tall 9ft Wide 124ft Long SCE AquaDam, A Couple Hundred Feet of 18-inch Tall 3ft Wide SCE AquaDams, Pilchuck River, River Diversion, Bank Restoration