Photo of the job site prior to the AquaDam installation looking upstream.
Photo of the job site prior to the AquaDam installation looking downstream.
Photo of the job site prior to the AquaDam installation looking downstream.
Looking upstream of work area before installation of the 5ft tall 11ft wide 60 long SCE AquaDam (AquaDam1).
Intake of diversion pipes prior to the installation of AquaDam1, looking upstream.
The area where the AquaDams are to be placed is being cleared of debris (rocks, sticks, glass, etc.) that may be in its given path.
Image of debris (rocks, sticks, glass, etc.) in path that must be removed.
Debris clearing and starting bank construction. In this image we can see, workers are clearing the path where the AquaDam will be placed, and an excavator is constructing a bank to start the AquaDam from. Single closed end (SCE) AquaDams require a starting bank that is greater in height than the maximum height of the AquaDam along it’s given path. The starting bank should be wide enough to allow the AquaDam’s starting point to lay flat up the slope.
Before installation, verification of the proper length of AquaDam should be done. In a line configuration like shown, you will need to measure the wetted perimeter plus the starting and ending banks.
Before pumping, guide rope(s) have been set and the AquaDam is aligned into position, which must be perpendicular to bank toe.
The AquaDam’s fill-tubes are being pumped with river water, using two 3” Honda WB30XT pumps. The pumps will do the work of unrolling.
AquaDam1 is filling and is approximately 20’ across the river. While crossing flowing water, the AquaDam is maintaining head, so it has contact with water’s bottom.
AquaDam1 continues filling across the river, looking upstream. When crossing flowing waters, the AquaDam must have head above the water to help maintain its location.
AquaDam1 reaching its maximum fill capacity, photo taken from upstream side.
AquaDam1 reaching maximum fill capacity, photo taken from downstream side.
Side shot of after the installation of AquaDam1, looking upstream.
AquaDam1 was not long enough, and the contractor attempted to place fill material in the gap to help the seal.
Second AquaDam installation, image showing an excavator placing a 5’ tall 11’ wide 82’ long SCE AquaDam with no connection collar (AquaDam2), looking upstream.
Standing at the water diversion exit, looking downstream.
Area being prepared for AquaDam2 to be placed.
AquaDam2 sitting on the starting bank while still wrapped in a protective cover.
AquaDam2 being deployed across the river.
AquaDam2 filling, photo taken from on top of AquaDam1.
AquaDam2 filling, photo taken upstream of diversion intake facing downstream.
AquaDam2 continuing to fill, photo taken from starting bank.
AquaDam2 will be full soon and people are able to walk on it. This photo was taken standing on AquaDam1.
AquaDam2 almost filled. This photo was taken upstream of diversion intake facing downstream.
Looking upstream at AquaDams from the work area.
Looking upstream of both AquaDams used to divert the river water.
Two 5ft tall 11ft wide (when filled) single closed end (SCE) AquaDams, River Diversion, South Fork Eel River, Bridge Repair