Aerial view of the AquaDam cofferdam system installed. This cofferdam system consisted of a 12ft tall 170ft long double closed end AquaDam with an 8ft tall 40ft long single closed end AquaDams sewn to each end. In this photo we can see the entire work area which is the area above the AquaDam cofferdam system.

The AquaDam cofferdam system arrived shipped all together on a single log using a flatbed truck.

Aqua Dam Inc. recommends that our customers use a rubber tire Telehandler forklift when installing larger AquaDam cofferdam systems. This type of heavy equipment works great for lifting and pulling, which is typically required when installing larger AquaDams.

The ends of the log were lifted so that blocks could be placed under the middle of the AquaDam for the forks of the Telehandler forklift to get under it.

Now we have a gap for the forks to get under the AquaDam.

The AquaDam has been placed on a bank so that the unit can be slightly unrolled and then placed into the water.

The AquaDam is being unrolled slightly so that the unit can be placed in the water and pulled to the desired location.

Boats are pulling to help unroll the AquaDam until the fill-tubes have been exposed.

In this photo we can see the fill-tubes for one of the 8ft tall single closed end AquaDams and the 12ft tall double closed end AquaDam.

Now the AquaDam cofferdam system has been tied to the pontoon boat and is being pulled to the desired location.

The AquaDam has been placed into the desired location, secured with ropes to the shoreline, and discharge hoses have been connected to the fill-tubes of the 12ft tall unit.

Here is another angle showing the AquaDam cofferdam system from the starting bank side panned out.

Workers are connecting the discharge hoses to the pumps that will fill the AquaDams.

Workers have started filling the AquaDam.

The 12ft tall AquaDam is filling and has nearly reached the ending bank.

Wildlife love to check out AquaDams that are in their favorite watering hole.

Here we can see the 12ft tall AquaDam filling from the ending bank.

The 12ft tall AquaDam has nearly reached the ending bank and has about a foot of head above the surrounding water.
Now that the 12ft tall AquaDam has reached the ending bank, the log can be removed and the 8ft tall AquaDam attached to the end can be unrolled.
On the right hand side of this photo we can see the 8ft tall single closed end AquaDam laying on top of the end of the 12ft tall AquaDam.
A closer shot of the 8ft tall single closed end AquaDam, unfilled and laid out on top of the 12ft tall AquaDam at the ending bank.
In this photo we can see the empty 8ft tall single closed end AquaDam at the starting bank of the 12ft tall AquaDam.

An aerial photo showing the 8ft tall AquaDam, attached to the 12ft tall AquaDam filled at the starting bank.

The work area is being dewatered and the AquaDam cofferdam system is working great.
12ft tall 25ft wide (fully filled) 170ft long double closed end AquaDam with an 8ft tall 17ft wide (fully filled) 40ft long single closed end AquaDam attached to each of it’s ends, Rancho Del Lago Park, Partial Pond Isolation