1.) The 6ft tall 13ft wide (full) 175ft long double closed end (DCE) AquaDam has been placed into the desired position to start from. A DCE AquaDam does not need a starting bank to launch from, this type of unit is self-elevating. Workers hold the AquaDam in place while it starts to fill.
2.) The 6ft tall DCE AquaDam is filling. Notice that the fill-tubes are on top of the body of the AquaDam. This feature allows the unit to be self-elevating.
3.) Workers monitor the roll end of the 175ft long DCE AquaDam to be sure that it unrolls along the desired path.
4.) The 6ft tall DCE AquaDam has almost unrolled to its closed end at 175ft in length and connection collar.
5.) A worker finishes unrolling the connection collar from the timber used to help ship the 6ft tall DCE AquaDam.
6.) A 3ft tall 7ft wide by 143ft long single closed end (SCE) AquaDam was used at the upstream end of the project to connect to the 6ft tall DCE AquaDam. The starting point (open end) of the 3ft tall SCE AquaDam can be seen at shore where its starting bank is. The open end of a SCE AquaDam needs to be elevated higher than the top of the full dam’s height where it will be laid. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its laid path.
7.) The closed end of this 3ft tall SCE AquaDam was tucked under the 6ft tall DCE dam several feet, prior to filling the larger dam too much.
8.) Workers unroll the last AquaDam used for this job. This unit was a 30-inch (2.5ft) tall 5ft wide 140ft long SCE AquaDam, which is at the downstream end of the 6ft tall DCE dam.
9.) The 3ft tall SCE AquaDam has been positioned and is ready to be filled. Notice the rope tied to the top seam of the dam and the metal post in the river, this was to help keep the dam in place while it was being filled.
10.) The closed end of the 3ft tall SCE AquaDam has been tucked under the 6ft tall DCE AquaDam several feet and tied back in multiple places to keep it in position, while both dams fill.
11.) AquaDams are made of lightweight flexible material that can be formed into a variety of shapes to get the job done. This AquaDam was able to be unrolled, positioned, and tied back; because there was minimal current in this part of the river at that time.
12.) Both the 3ft tall and 6ft tall AquaDams are filling at the same time. The 6ft tall unit maintained a few feet of head above the 3ft tall dam.
13.) The 3ft tall SCE AquaDam is almost full.
14.) The 2.5ft tall SCE AquaDam laid out and ready to be filled. This unit was also tucked under the 6ft tall DCE here at the downstream end.
15.) Here we can see the starting bank, where the open end and fill-tubes of the 2.5ft tall SCE AquaDam are located. Notice that the fill-tubes extend out past the open end and the blue discharge hoses go into the fill-tubes.
16.) The last AquaDam continues to fill.
17.) The work area has been isolated, great job AquaDam!
6ft Tall 13ft Wide (full) 175ft Long Double Closed End (DCE) AquaDam, 3ft Tall 7ft Wide 143ft Long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam, 30-inch Tall 5ft Wide 140ft Long SCE AquaDam, Shoreline Isolation, Horseshoe/”U” Shape Configuration, Sediment Control, Eastside of Healdsburg Memorial Bridge Repair, Russian River, Customer Re-Used AquaDams