Plan view with work site from Google Earth Pro. The AquaDams for this project where installed inside the yellow circle.

Pre-Installation looking downstream.

Here the 4ft tall by 250ft long DCE AquaDam has been placed into position and the AquaDam is being unwrapped.

After the AquaDam was unwrapped, enough length was rolled out to expose the fill-tubes. The fill-tubes are where the AquaDam will be filled.

Here the 4ft tall by 250ft long DCE AquaDam is starting to fill.

As the AquaDam fills, worker as shown are using techniques (such as physically holding) to allow the AquaDam to stay in place as the unit fills and stays in place.

Making a straight line is not always possible. All turns and grade changes will use up extra linear footage, thus extra is always recommended.

The 4ft tall by 250ft long DCE AquaDam reached it’s maximum length and must continue filling to reach it’s maximum height and width.

Here the 4ft tall by 35ft long DCE AquaDam has been placed into position and the AquaDam is being filled. This AquaDam was fully unrolled and then filled. The AquaDam was held in position by a telehandler forklift until it had enough water inside to support itself.

Here the 4fttall by 35ft long DCE AquaDam has been filled and now the fill-tubes are being secured.

The 4ft tall by 35ft long DCE AquaDam has had it’s fill-tubes secured to prevent leakage.

The 3ft tall 7ft wide 100ft long SCE AquaDam with no connection collar has been unpacked and is being prepared to be connected to the 4ft tall 9ft wide 35ft long DCE AquaDam with a connection collar.

The 3ft tall by 100ft long SCE AquaDam’s fill-tubes are being pulled up through the 4ft tall by 35ft long DCE AquaDam’s connection collar.

The 3ft tall by 100ft long SCE AquaDam has been successfully connected to the 4ft tall by 35ft long DCE AquaDam and the 3ft tall SCE AquaDam is being filled.

The 3ft tall by 100ft long SCE AquaDam is being tied to the 4ft tall by 250ft long DCE AquaDam to help keep the filling AquaDam in place. The 4ft tall 35ft long DCE AquaDam’s connection collar is also being tightened around the start of the 3ft tall AquaDam, this is because the connection collar was made the size of a 4ft tall AquaDam
The 3ft tall by 100ft long SCE AquaDam has finished filling, has been tied off, and the connection collar has been tied to it.

The 6ft tall by 50ft long DCE AquaDam is being put into place, secured with ropes, and unrolled to expose the fill-tubes of the AquaDam.

The fill-tubes of the 6ft tall by 50ft long DCE AquaDam are being prepared to connect to the pumps.

There is a gap between the 6ft tall and 4ft tall DCE AquaDams. Once the 6ft tall AquaDam finishes filling the gap will be reduced with the connection collars, sandbags, and eventually a 1.5ft tall SCE AquaDam.

There is a gap between the 6ft tall and 4ft tall DCE AquaDams. Once the 6ft tall AquaDam finishes filling the gap will be reduced with the connection collars, sandbags, and eventually a 1.5ft tall SCE AquaDam.

A majority of the flow has been diverted, but due to the gap shown previously, there is still too much seepage.

The upstream waters have gained enough head pressure to slightly roll a 1.5ft tall AquaDam counter clockwise, as seen in this photo.

The 6ft tall by 50ft long DCE AquaDam has finished filling. The gap has not quite closed off, so mitigation measures must be taken.
The gap was originally filled with the two (2) AquaDams connection collars and with sandbags to help reduce the seepage. Notice how turbid the water is after passing the sandbags.
The sandbags placed into the gap have helped to reduce the seepage. Sandbags alone can not prevent seepage.
The seepage at gap was too much, so a 1.5ft tall 35ft long SCE AquaDam was put in to mitigate the issue.
A 3ft tall 100ft long SCE AquaDam was installed behind the 1.5ft tall AquaDam, due to the rising water depth of the upstream side.
An aerial prospective showing the AquaDam system at work, from Google Earth Pro dated 6/20/2023.
The diversion cofferdam system consisted of a 6ft tall 13ft wide (fully filled) 50ft long double closed end (DCE) AquaDam, a 4ft tall 9ft wide 250ft long DCE AquaDam, a 4ft tall 35ft long DCE AquaDam with a connection collar, two (2) 3ft tall 7ft wide 100ft long single closed end (SCE) AquaDams, and a 1.5ft tall 3ft wide 35ft long SCE AquaDam, Los Angeles River, Concrete Canal, River Diversion