Canal Isolation, Flume Pipes – The following AquaDam cofferdam system consisted of two 12-ft tall 25-ft wide 100-ft long single closed-end SCE AquaDam units that were backed up with an 8-ft tall 17-ft wide 80-ft long SCE AquaDam unit each. This job was done in the Hennepin Canal, Illinois in 2004. This job went well and since then Aqua Dam Inc. has been able to learn new techniques that are used today. One technique used today is to request customers use a smooth-wall HDPE or Fusible PVC pipe instead of a corrugated metal pipe. Another technique we now recommend to put a second less tall but longer AquaDam beneath the pipe, to fill in the voids that the larger AquaDam is unable to reach. This project used a staggered configuration with a flume pipe to divert the existing water. Overall, this job was a success and the customer was very happy to have used the AquaDams.