Job site for using an AquaDam with the Sacramento Water District.
One of the 4' tall AquaDams being transported by an excavator.
Workers are placing a 4' tall AquaDam into position.
The protective outer wrapping is being removed.
AquaDam is starting to be unrolled and discharge hoses are being connected to the unit for filling.
Workers have started to fill the first AquaDam.
Workers help unroll the AquaDam while it is filling. They help guide the AquaDam where it needs to go.
The first AquaDam that was filled was a double closed end (DCE) unit. The DCE AquaDam will act as the starting bank for the next AquaDam which is a single closed end (SCE) unit.
The second 4' tall AquaDam is filling up.
Packing string around the AquaDams wrapping material is being cut, notice blade is up so it cannot puncture the AquaDam.
Workers unrolling third 4' tall SCE AquaDam.
The fill-tubes of the third AquaDam are bloused out and prepared; so they can be placed through the holes of the connection collar of the previous AquaDam.
A Worker is tightening the fill-tubes of the AquaDam so they can be fed through the holes in the connection collar.
The AquaDam is full and set in place.