Aerial view of an AquaDam surrounding and protecting a home from flood waters.

It is important for people to be present during the flood event to maintain seepage and keep the protected area dewatered.

Seepage in the protected area is inevitable, thus sump pumps should be used.

Hoses have been run outside of the protected area to discharge any seepage accumulation.

AquaDams have never been officially tested for wave action, but they have experienced waves in the past without compromising the integrity of the AquaDam flood barrier system.

The left side (protected area) is dry and the right side is flooded.

Sump pumps should be placed at lower elevation areas within the protected area to manage seepage.

Sometimes pits must be dug to create lower elevation points for sump pumps to channel and manage seepage.

The left side is flooded and the right side is not. Great job AquaDam!

This AquaDam appears to be working great.

The Skylark Shores Resort during a flood event. This photo was taken facing South, just South of Clear Lake Ave.

Looking North standing on the AquaDam flood barrier system.

AquaDams helped protect the Skylark Motel from flood water.

Multiple AquaDams can be put together to stretch miles.

AquaDams are plant, animal, and environmentally friendly.

An AquaDam in action and doing a great job.

During the flood event, it is important to help mitigate seepage and keep your property safe.

Barely any water on the protected area side.