Marked internal work area of where the AquaDam will be placed.

Staging 6'X88' Deadman AquaDam. The dead-man AquaDam will be used to help the main AquaDam get manipulated into its first turn from upstream to downstream.

6' X 88' dead-man starting to get deployed. The dead-man is used to break up the flow on the upstream side of where the main AquaDam will be installed.

Dead-man's starting point was elevated with log so it can fill to its maximum height in the deepest point in the water that it will be placed in.

Dead-man is filled

Fill Tubes of the dead-man AquaDam. (2) hoses per fill tube. The AquaDam must be filled with pairs of pumps to make sure both sides fill equally.

8' X 357' Main AquaDam on a pallet, ready to be moved to the starting bank. This AquaDam controls a maximum of 74 inches of mud/water depth in ideal condition.

8' X 357' AquaDam being being placed at the staging area which will be the staring point for the AquaDam.

Starting deployment of the 8' X 357' AquaDam. The worker is holding the AquaDam back so it can maintain head above water and contact with the ground. AquaDams float when empty.

The AquaDam roll has to be held back and slowly released so it can maintain head above water which means it is maintaining contact with the waters bottom.

AquaDam being controlled from shore with rope.

8' X 357' AquaDam making first turn from upstream to downstream around the end of the Dead-man AquaDam.

AquaDam getting manipulated into its last turn from shore with rope.

Workers guiding AquaDam to shore.

Workers holding back AquaDam to let it build more head.

AquaDam slowly making its way up the bank.

Profile view of the ending bank for the 8' X 357' AquaDam.
Beam at the end of the 8' X 357' AquaDam was used for center core of AquaDam for transportation and assisting during unrolling.
8' X 357' AquaDam fully installed. A crew is making sure that no fish are in the work area.
AquaDam in snow storm.
View of Mount Eyak from the internal work area.