1.) Construction work was needed to be done to the downstream end of this weir. An AquaDam was employed to be the cofferdam used to divert the flow of Deer Creek. The cofferdam used for this project was a 5ft tall 11ft wide 100ft long single closed end (SCE) AquaDam.

2.) Workers dug a diversion channel for the water of the creek to be diverted through and left a small plug to keep the water back until they were ready.

3.) Workers removed the plug, and the creek water has started being diverted. Diverting the water prior to installing the cofferdam will help reduce the pooled water depth behind the weir.

4.) Now that the diversion is in place and working, workers clear the starting bank for the 5ft tall SCE AquaDam. The starting bank allows the starting point (open end) and fill-tubes of a SCE AquaDam to be elevated higher than the full height of dam along its given path. The open end needs to be elevated higher than the top of the full SCE AquaDam where it will be laid. An AquaDam will only reach its full height at the lowest elevation along its given path.

5.) The 5ft tall SCE AquaDam has been fully unrolled and is almost reached its full height at the lowest point where it is laid.

6.) Boards were placed every 10ft or so to help keep the AquaDam from leaning onto the weir while it was being filled with water.

7.) The diversion channel is working great with the 5ft tall SCE AquaDam fully installed.

8.) We can see that the water depth has raised since the installation of the AquaDam cofferdam system.

9.) Great job AquaDam!
5ft Tall 11ft Wide (full) 100ft Long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDam, Deer Creek, Diversion Channel, Line Configuration