This was a joint venture in Oregon between the Dept. of Fish & Game, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Forest Service, and the Bureau of Reclamation to improve the habitat of this stream for endangered salmon. An 8' x 100' closed-ended AquaDam® was used.
Due to the extreme angle of the hillside where the AquaDams® had to start, a 4' x 40' closed-ended backup AquaDam® had to be placed behind it. Notice the white pipe which runs underneath the 8' high AquaDam®. This allowed the water flow entering the pool to pass through.
The work area has been dewatered. This picture is looking straight down the bank of a major road that is leaking water through its foundation. During summertime low flows, this vital habitat pool, teeming with thousands of fish, could no longer be regulated because of the severe leakage.
A trench will be dug and filled with soil that will seal the foundation of the roadway to stop the leakage. The man-made culvert gates that extend underneath the road can open and shut to regulate the water flow.
This is the muddy mess of the dewatered work area. All of the fish were caught and removed before dewatering. The black 4' high AquaDam® has a closed end, but provides support so that the 8' high AquaDam® can make the turn to join the other bank. Both units have been tied off to trees using rope.
This is the culvert that goes under the roadway that is leaking. The job is to find out why and fix it. Dewatering the work area was a must, otherwise there would be 6-8' of water around this culvert.
Once everything is in the dewatered work area, you often run out of room to maneuver. However, having the smallest possible work area was one of the criteria for addressing environmental concerns.
The upstream pool contained by the AquaDam® was teeming with endangered fish. The AquaDam® was used because of the remote location of the project and its negligible environmental impact. Water quality was a major issue, and AquaDams® performed the task flawlessly. No dirty water escaped the work area.