Job site prior to installation of the 12 ft tall and 8 ft tall AquaDams
AquaDams delivered to site.
1st upstream 12 ft tall AquaDam getting installed. The pumps will do all the work of unrolling. The AquaDam is controlled from shore with rope to make sure it maintains head above water, which means it is maintaining contact with the waters bottom.
The 12 ft tall AquaDam controls a maximum of 100 inches of mud/water depth.
First 12 ft tall AquaDam is in place.
Second AquaDam is being controlled from shore during unrolling.
The first 8 ft tall 17 ft wide (when filled) AquaDam is being installed on the internal perimeter to help support the main AquaDam during the lifetime of the project.
Support 8 ft tall AquaDam is filling on the internal perimeter of the downstream 12 ft tall AquaDam.
Upstream AquaDams are fully filled.
Downstream AquaDams are fully filled, and the work area is ready to be dewatered.
The work area is dewatered.
Looking upstream of the dewatered work area.