A floodgate needed to be isolated and dewatered, for upgrades. The excavator is upstream of installation, preparing the initial staging area for the AquaDam installation.

Workers are walking over the concrete water intake structure, that needs to be isolated for repaired.

The water intake structure that will be repaired.

This area in front of the workers is going to be isolated from the greater body of water. Once this is accomplished, the area will be dewatered and work can begin.

The concrete weir overflow, where the water will be diverted.

The area that will soon be dewatered.

The AquaDam has been secured to a piece of equipment on the shore to prevent sliding, while filling. The blue and gray discharge hoses have been placed into the fill-tube, for filling the AquaDam with water. As the AquaDam is filled with water, it to slowly unrolls.

Here is a better view of the staging area. The AquaDam is pointed at the concrete weir, shown earlier. Both fill-tubes are being filled, with four 3 inch water pumps.

The beauty of an AquaDam is "Water Controlling Water" (as a cofferdam), even in large bodies of water. Water is all that is needed by an AquaDam to provide a stable cofferdam solution.

Once filled, the AquaDam can be used as a work platform for the pumps to fill the second AquaDam that is being installed here.

Workers prevent the AquaDam from unrolling too quickly and they also help steer it to the desired location. This second AquaDam had it's fill-tubes pulled through the connection collar on the first AquaDam. The second AquaDam will seal against the first as it fills.

The second AquaDam is approaching the concrete weir overflow.

Workers here are holding the AquaDam from unrolling, as it fills, to allow it to build head. The AquaDam must be higher than the surrounding water (have head), to control the surrounding water.

The second AquaDam is fully filled and the pumps that are sitting on top of the AquaDam, are dewatering the work area. The end of the AquaDam was not designed with dangling as shown, but it held up and worked beautifully.

The work area is being dewatered with two 3 inch water pumps.

Minimal seepage under the AquaDam is present. The seepage will lessen as the AquaDams settles into any low spots.

The AquaDam is extremely flexible when it comes to sealing against uneven ground.

The upstream side of the work area is pretty much dewatered. Notice the fill-tubes for the 3ft tall AquaDam hanging over the dry section of the weir.

Here we can see the entire AquaDam cofferdam system, in action.

The smaller 3ft tall AquaDam on the right was installed to help keep water out of the area downstream of the weir.

Workers in the work area. Great job AquaDam!
Two 8ft tall and a 3ft tall AquaDams used in an “L” shape configuration, Tumalo Creek, River Diversion, Water Intake Isolation, Concrete Weir