This 12' tall, 100' long AquaDam will be used to isolate a section of canal, for permitting dewatering.
Fill-tubes at the start of the AquaDam, elevated by the canal bank.
Extending down the bank
And into the canal, where it continues to unroll under the influence of the water being pumped into the fill-tubes.
(2) 3" discharge electric pumps were provided by the contractor to fill this AquaDam.
The AquaDam unrolls up the opposite bank as it fills.
Approximately 4' tall, and still filling.
The AquaDam is completely installed. The creases represent slack caused by the angle of the bank elevating each end, and are not a concern for mud/water levels 104" and lower.
Canal Plug – 12ft tall 25ft wide 100ft long SCE AquaDam with no connection collar.