8ft tall AquaDams installed at Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Generating Station to protect against Missouri River flooding. Blair, NE 2011
4ft tall, 300ft long AquaDam around home in Fargo, ND, 2011
4ft tall, 300ft long AquaDam around home in Fargo, ND, 2011
3ft tall, 250ft long AquaDam around flooded home on Harsens Island, Michigan, 2019. Picture was taken after AquaDam installation but before dewatering.
3ft tall, 250ft long AquaDam around flooded home on Harsens Island, Michigan, 2019. Picture was taken after AquaDam installation and dewatering.
600ft of 5ft tall AquaDam forming a full perimeter around the United Barge warehouse, Metropolis, IL, 2011
600ft of 5ft tall AquaDam forming a full perimeter around the United Barge warehouse, Metropolis, IL, 2011
Inside view from the perimeter formed by 600ft of 5ft tall AquaDam around the United Barge warehouse, Metropolis, IL, 2011
3ft tall AquaDams installed alongside I-10 by TXDOT crew, keeping the road open after Hurricane Harvey. Houston, TX, 2017
3ft tall AquaDams installed alongside I-10 by TXDOT crew, keeping the road open after Hurricane Harvey. Houston, TX 2017
2.5ft tall 300ft long AquaDam installed around a home in Fargo, ND, 2009. AquaDams can tolerate freezing temperatures down to -60F.
2.5ft tall 300ft long AquaDam installed around a home in Fargo, ND, 2009. AquaDams can tolerate freezing temperatures down to -60F.
2.5ft tall 300ft long AquaDam installed around a home in Fargo, ND, 2011. AquaDams can tolerate freezing temperatures down to -60F.
2.5ft tall 300ft long AquaDam installed around a home in Fargo, ND, 2011. AquaDams can tolerate freezing temperatures down to -60F.
4ft tall AquaDam installed around a different home in Fargo, ND, 2011. Note the gutter downspout diversion pipes to minimize water infiltration into the protected area.
4ft tall AquaDam installed around a different home in Fargo, ND, 2011. Note the gutter downspout diversion pipes to minimize water infiltration into the protected area.
2.5' tall AquaDam installed at a low spot along the river bank, to divert water away from a neighborhood in Sun Valley, ID, 2001
3ft tall AquaDam, ~450ft long, installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017

3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017

3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2017
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam controlling Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. Sun Valley, ID 2006
4ft tall AquaDams installed around and through an Elementary School in Morgan City, LA, 2011
4ft tall AquaDams installed around and through an Elementary School in Morgan City, LA, 2011
4ft tall AquaDams installed around and through an Elementary School in Morgan City, LA, 2011

3ft tall AquaDams installed along State Route 37, to prevent road flooding and subsequent closure. Georgetown, SC 2018

4ft tall AquaDams installed along State Route 17, to prevent road flooding and subsequent closure. Georgetown, SC 2018

3ft tall AquaDams installed around a commercial building in Renton, WA 2001
3ft tall AquaDams installed around a commercial building in Renton, WA 2001

8ft tall AquaDams installed at Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Generating Station to protect against Missouri River flooding. Blair, NE 2011

8ft tall AquaDams installed at Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Generating Station to protect against Missouri River flooding. Blair, NE 2011
3ft tall AquaDam residential flood control. Sun Valley, ID 2017
4ft tall AquaDams installed along Lake Ontario shoreline, mitigating wave action damage previously threatening structures to the right. Rochester, NY 2019
3ft tall AquaDam flood control barriers installed around two homes in Natchitoches, LA 2015
3ft tall AquaDam flood control barriers installed around two homes in Natchitoches, LA 2015
3ft tall AquaDams installed around another home in Natchitoches, LA in 2015
2.5ft tall AquaDams installed along a sidewalk in Moorhead City, MN for flood control. 2008
3ft tall AquaDams flood control barriers, formed from (2) different dams. One dams stays filled all the time, and the second dam is filled only when the flood threatens, and is left unfilled the rest of the time, to permit vehicle traffic over the dam into/out of the driveway area. This homeowner has used AquaDams many times for flood control. Ferndale, CA 2014
3ft tall AquaDams flood control barriers, formed from (2) different dams. One dams stays filled all the time, and the second dam is filled only when the flood threatens, and is left unfilled the rest of the time, to permit vehicle traffic over the dam into/out of the driveway area. This homeowner has used AquaDams many times for flood control. Ferndale, CA 2014
10ft tall, 600ft long AquaDam flood control barrier installed around Mirimichi Golf Course Club House. Millington, TN 2011

3ft tall AquaDam installed around a Sun Valley residence in anticipation of Big Wood River flooding during the annual thaw. The AquaDam can be bent and turned to fit twisty, confined pathways. Sun Valley, ID 2017

16ft tall, 90ft long Self-Elevating AquaDam neatly plugs a levee breach along Humboldt Bay, CA 2014
A 3ft tall AquaDam was installed by Gulf Coast AquaDam (Louisiana exclusive distributor) around this residence. Notice the multiple wood-board braces set up along the outer edge of the dam. These braces supported the AquaDam during installation, and are no longer needed once the dam is filled. Louisiana, 2017
A 3ft tall AquaDam was installed by Gulf Coast AquaDam (exclusive Louisiana distributor) around this residence. Some seepage water is apparent, but the sump pump is keeping up with seepage inflow. All flood control plans should include seepage control. Louisiana, 2017

4ft tall AquaDams installed along Lake Ontario block the wave action from impacting the lake side homes. Greece, NY 2017

4ft tall AquaDams installed along Lake Ontario block the wave action from impacting the lake side homes. Greece, NY 2017
2.5ft tall AquaDams installed at a construction site to keep flood waters from flowing over access roads and into work areas. California, 2006
2.5ft tall AquaDams installed at a construction site to keep flood waters from flowing over access roads and into work areas. California, 2006
1ft tall AquaDam is installed on the top of a creek-side levee to prevent overtopping. The residence behind the AquaDam is lower than the creek, so once water overtops the levee, it will quickly fill the bowl the house is in. Ferndale, CA 2012
1ft tall AquaDam installed along the street-side of the home, to prevent water flowing over the road and down into the subfloor of the residence. Ferndale, CA 2012
3ft dams installed around a residence in Fargo, ND 2010
3ft dams installed around a residence in Fargo, ND 2010
3ft dams installed around a residence in Fargo, ND 2011
3ft dams installed around a residence. Notice the wooden stairway structure that allows dignified foot traffic over the AquaDam. Fargo, ND 2011
3ft AquaDam installed around a residence along the Red River. Wood brace boards were used to support the downhill side of the AquaDam during filling. Once filled, the AquaDam can support itself on a slope without the need for board or other types of bracing. Fargo, ND 2011
3ft AquaDam installed around a residence along the Red River. Wood brace boards were used to support the downhill side of the AquaDam during filling. Once filled, the AquaDam can support itself on a slope without the need for board or other types of bracing. Fargo, ND 2011
2.5ft AquaDam installed around a residence along the Red River, Fargo, ND 2011
2.5ft AquaDam installed around a residence along the Red River, Fargo, ND 2011

2.5ft tall AquaDams installed around a home in Rosharon, TX 2016

2.5ft tall AquaDams installed around a home in Rosharon, TX 2016

2.5ft tall AquaDams installed around a home in Rosharon, TX 2016
3ft tall AquaDams installed around a home in Rosharon, TX 2016
3ft tall AquaDams installed around a home in Rosharon, TX 2016
2.5ft tall, 250ft long AquaDam was installed by the homeowner to make a flood control barrier. LeClaire, IA 2019
2.5ft tall, 250ft long AquaDam was installed by the homeowner to make a flood control barrier. All effective flood control plans include seepage water control pump(s). LeClaire, IA 2019
2.5ft tall AquaDam for flood control surrounding a white house. Fill-tubes of the AquaDam will be elevated against/over a metal stairway structure which also permits foot traffic into and out of the protected area. Cooperstown, ND 2011
2.5ft tall AquaDam for flood control surrounding a white house. Fill-tubes of the AquaDam are elevated against/over a metal stairway structure which also permits foot traffic into and out of the protected area. Cooperstown, ND 2011

2.5ft tall, 170ft long AquaDam installed around a residence as a flood barrier and wave break. Kelseyville, CA 2019

2.5ft tall, 170ft long AquaDam installed around a residence as a flood barrier and wave break. Kelseyville, CA 2019
1ft tall AquaDam flood barrier keeping the water in the field, and out of the house. Carlotta, CA 2004
1ft tall AquaDam flood barrier keeping the water in the field, and out of the house. Carlotta, CA 2004
4ft tall AquaDam protecting a Yacht Club along Lake Ontario. AquaDam was started from a sandbag wall, instead of a "Starter AquaDam". Hamlin, NY 2019
4ft tall AquaDam protecting a Yacht Club along Lake Ontario. AquaDam was started from a sandbag wall, instead of a "Starter AquaDam". Hamlin, NY 2019

3ft tall AquaDams installed on both sides of this road, keeping the flood out and maintaining single lane traffic. Brandon, MB, Canada 2011

3ft tall AquaDams installed on both sides of this road, keeping the flood out and maintaining single lane traffic. Brandon, MB, Canada 2011

2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a residence, providing flood protection from a flooding Boise River. Idaho, 1997
2.5ft tall AquaDam installed around a residence, providing flood protection from a flooding Boise River. Idaho, 1997
2.5ft tall AquaDam perimeter flood barrier surrounding utility boxes. Louisiana 2011
3ft tall AquaDams, Residential Flood Control, Sun Valley, ID 2017
2.5ft tall AquaDams installed to prevent levee overtopping, Louisiana 2011