1.) Larger AquaDams are shipped on a flatbed truck, rolled-up (like a carpet roll) onto a log, and with at least two straps for lifting and moving.
2.) The first 12ft tall by 580ft long SCE AquaDam has been place at the desired starting bank. It is important to pay attention to the direction that an AquaDam is rolled when placing it at the starting bank.
3.) Workers stand on the starting point (open end) of the SCE AquaDam as they push the roll end down the starting bank into the water.
4.) The rolled end of the AquaDam has been rolled down the bank into the water. Notice the fill-tubes on the left side of the photo, they will be pulled up the starting bank and have discharge hoses placed inside of them.
5.) A level platform was cut out of the sloped bank for the pumps to sit as they fill the AquaDam.
6.) The first 580ft long AquaDam has been launched and is now filling. Using an even number of the same capacity pumps works best and is recommended.
7.) The first turn in this AquaDam has been made. When making turns with an AquaDam, it is best to turn down the pump(s) filling the fill-tube on the inside of the turn. The pumps should be returned to equal after the turn has been made.
8.) As the AquaDam fills with water, ropes are used to guide and restrain the path of where the dam will lay.
9.) The last turn of this AquaDam has been made and the unit has almost completely unrolled. This AquaDam (full) is 12ft tall, 15ft wide, 580ft long, and has a connection collar. A connection collar is used when connecting one AquaDam to another.
10.) The connection has been made and the second 580ft long SCE AquaDam is ready to be filled. The first AquaDam provides the starting bank for the second AquaDam and a platform for workers to stage the needed pumps on.
11.) The second AquaDam is filling. Workers use ropes to help the unrolled portion of the AquaDam to maintain a slight head as the unit unrolls.
12.) A rope was tied to the top of the roll (which is the bottom of the dam) and to the seam on top of the AquaDam, until the dam had a little bit of head above the surrounding. After the AquaDam gained head above the surrounding water workers released tension in the rope, unrolling a few feet of length, re-secure the rope, and repeated the process.
13.) Workers using rope to tie back the roll to make a turn.
14.) Sometimes making a turn can be tricky and so creativity is welcome. Workers used a log to extend the booms reach of an excavator.
15.) The second AquaDam has been tied off to shore for the night.
16.) The third 12ft tall SCE AquaDam is ready to be launched. This unit is 300ft long and will be used as a separate cofferdam in the same body of water, which is a stormwater retention pond. The separation provided a gap between the two 12ft tall cofferdam systems. This gap was intended to allow stormwater to pass.
17.) The third 12ft tall AquaDam has been launched into the water.
18.) The second 12ft tall 580ft long AquaDam has reached the intended ending bank.
19.) Ropes were secured to specific locations to keep the AquaDam in place while it was filled with water.

20.) A few weeks later a rain event raised the water depth (in the body of water) greater than the maximum controllable depth a 12ft tall AquaDam is rated for. The two 580ft long dams were unable to handle the pressure of the additional water depth causing them to washout.

21.) The third 12ft tall AquaDam remained in position and may have needed some additional pumping after the rain event.

22.) Workers begin cleaning up the starting point (open end) of the first 12ft tall SCE AquaDam. They will remove the blue discharge hoses and miscellaneous ropes that were used previously to secure the AquaDam.

23.) The fill-tubes needed to be opened and allowed to release any water inside to the surrounding body of water. Releasing whatever water was trapped inside will ease the repositioning of the AquaDam.

24.) Now the second 580ft long SCE AquaDam is being separated from the first dam, so that any water trapped inside of it too may be released into the surrounding water.

25.) Workers must be careful as they separate the two dams at the connection collar, so that they can re-connect the two dams again.

26.) The closed end of the first AquaDam has been separated from the second dam and is now being pushed out into deeper water so that it can be re-positioned.

27.) The two AquaDams were pushed away from shore into the deeper water so that it can be re-positioned.

28.) Jet skis help pull with rope to get the AquaDam into the needed location.

29.) The starting point (open end) of the first 12ft tall has been tied to the forklift, so that it may be re-positioned to the starting bank.

30.) After reaching the starting bank, ropes were retied to pull the starting point (open end) of the AquaDam up the bank.

31.) The first AquaDam has been re-secured at its starting bank, both turns have been made, and the unit is now filling.

32.) The fourth dam, an 8ft tall 17ft wide (full), 150ft long double closed end (DCE) AquaDam. This unit made the third cofferdam system and was located at the southeastern part of the project.

33.) Wildlife enjoying an AquaDam.

34.) The first 580ft tall SCE AquaDam has been re-positioned and gained head above the surrounding water. Time to reposition the second 580ft long dam.

35.) The fill-tubes needed to be prepared prior to making the connection.

36.) The fill-tubes and starting point (open end) of the second AquaDam have been scrunched up prior to being inserted it the connection collar. This scrunching will assist the connection into the collar.

37.) The original holes cut for the fill-tubes to go through the connection collar were abandoned and new ones were cut.

38.) The connection has been made and the second 580ft tall AquaDam is filling with water.

39.) Placing the second AquaDam back into the needed position required several ropes tied to anchors, jet skis, a forklift, and a handful of workers.
40.) Workers tie the closed end of the second 580ft long SCE AquaDam off to the ending bank.
41.) AquaDams are made of lightweight flexible material and can be shaped into a variety of configurations that may be needed for dewatering projects.
42.) The second 580ft long AquaDam has gained head above the surrounding water.
43.) During the washout, the second 580ft long AquaDam twisted in two locations, but the water inside of the AquaDam found its way through.
44.) Here is the second twist in the second 580ft long AquaDam.
45.) The 8ft tall by 150ft long DCE AquaDam. Notice that the fill-tubes of the DCE AquaDam are on top of the dam, this style dam was designed for projects that do not have a starting bank to launch from.
46.) Aerial photo looking West.
47.) Aerial photo looking East.
48.) Satellite image from Google Earth Pro dated 3/2016
Three AquaDam Cofferdam Systems: The First Two 12ft Tall 25ft Wide (full) 580ft Long Single Closed End (SCE) AquaDams. The Second A 12ft Tall By 300ft Long SCE AquaDam. The Third 8ft Tall 17ft Wide (full) 150ft Long Double Closed End (DCE) AquaDam, Shoreline Isolation, SeaWorld Orlando Florida, Roller-Coaster Installation – Mako, Connection Collar, Re-Installation