The fill-tubes of the first AquaDam are visible in the rear. The fill-tubes up front are from the second (filling) AquaDam. These fill-tubes have been pulled through holes cut in the connection collar present on the end of the first AquaDam, thus creating a connection between AquaDams.

A double-closed end 5' high by 200' long AquaDam (background) being used as an elevation point for another 5' high AquaDam (foreground). These AquaDams will help protect this building from the Ohio River flooding.

AquaDams can make turns. Sweeping turns are better than sharp turns, but either one can work in a pinch. This AquaDam also has a baffle skirt running down the middle of the AquaDam. The baffle seam is visible. The baffle acts to provide additional stability to the AquaDam.

ndustry utilizing flood control measures.

Flood depths were not very predictable. This customer bought the highest AquaDam that could fit between these two buildings.

The on-site "crew" are walking the air out of the AquaDam. Air can sometimes be blown in by the filling water pumps. There should be as little air as possible in the AquaDam.

Another view of the connection area. There are two AquaDams here, with a connection in the middle. The fill-tubes for the elevating AquaDam are left-most. The fill-tubes of the connecting AquaDam are on the. You can see the closed end of the elevating AquaDam, the open end and fill-tubes of the connecting AquaDam, both surrounded by a connection collar.

Connection points and low areas should have additional bracing during the filling process. Once the AquaDam is full, these should be left in place for additional stability.

Water up against the AquaDam on the flood side.

Very handy wooden structure built to allow foot traffic over the AquaDam. May also be used as a temporary boat dock.

These buildings were not protected by an AquaDam and have been unfortunately flooded.

Perhaps they should replace this sign with a "No-wake" sign for boat traffic!

Flood waters have risen considerably. The AquaDam is easily handling the 3' of flood waters.

Metropolis, IL 2011