A team a worker setting up this AquaDam flood control system.

The AquaDam has been inflated with air and laid out in it's proposed path.

A shorter AquaDam was placed in between the longer unit, to close off the garage.

The AquaDam flood control system was filled with water. The water source for filling was the Red River and so a couple hundred feet of discharge hose was needed.

Piping from the house gutters to outside perimeter of the AquaDam should be installed to help relief the protected area of water from the roof.

Front of house with an AquaDam flood barrier installed.

The wooden stairs in the photo are used to easily climb over the AquaDam.

The sandbags and wooden planks under the AquaDam have been place in these locations to help offset the slope of the land, while filling.

Notice the pipe laid over the AquaDam, this will be connected to the rain gutter to allow the roof water to exit outside of the protected area.

AquaDams are capable of making tricky turns around objects located on the property.

Here we can see the slope of the backyard dropping towards the river.

A better angle of the backyard sloping into the rising Red River.

Several sandbags were used here to help adjust the slope.

Wooden planks were used here, to offset the slope of the driveway, while filling.